Jul 31, 2012

Kris Jenner: You Should NEVER Have Told Bruce Jenner About Your Ex-Lover Date

Kris Jenner: You Should NEVER Have Told Bruce Jenner About Your Ex-Lover Date

Kris Jenner – you have ONLY considered yourself when indulging your ridiculous NEED for closure on an affair that ended 23 years ago!

Kris Jenner – insisting on meeting your ex-lover Todd Waterman, the man who destroyed your first marriage to Robert Kardashian, was the height of selfishishness .

But then actually waking up your sleeping husband Bruce Jenner, insisting he come downstairs and then confessing that you just had dinner with your ex-lover behind his back, takes self-centeredness to a whole new level!

All through your family-sabotaging mission to meet up with younger ex lover Todd Waterman, you’ve justified your hurtful behavior by saying that you needed “closure.”

Why you needed closure on an illicit affair that ended disastrously 23 years ago has mystified everyone you know since you started blabbing on and on about it. Your visibly upset three older daughters and Bruce all told you in the clearest words possible that you shouldn’t, under any circumstances do it!

But despite Bruce forbidding you to see Todd and Khloe, Kim and Kourtney begging you not to — you did it anyway.

That’s really cruel and insensitive in itself, but then you made it far worse and far more marriage-destroying when you dragged Bruce out of bed and TOLD him !

There are times in a marriage when honesty is NOT the best policy and this was one of those times.
Kris you should have kept your self-indulgent dinner with swarmy Todd Waterman to yourself, instead of hurtfully announcing it to Bruce and Kylie.

Honestly, did they REALLY need to hear you be all excited about it?

Poor Kylie who just happened to be in the kitchen when you forced Bruce to wake up to hear your ridiculous confession, looked completely baffled and upset.

Kylie was an innocent bystander to what turned out to be an ugly confrontation between you and Bruce.

“Explain to me why you saw this a**hole,” a visibly upset Bruce yelled at you (good question).

“What an idiot you are. I don’t even know how I can trust you,” he added.

These are not the kind of words a 14 year -old should have to hear between her mom and dad.

And Bruce had no urgent need or any need at all to know that you had ignored his order not to see Todd. He felt a lot better NOT knowing.

“I feel this urgency to wake Bruce up and tell him exactly what happened tonight because I don’t want to let one more minute to go by and not let him know exactly how I feel,” you spouted. “I’ve had a revelation!”
Really Kris,it only hurt Bruce to know that you were emotionally cheating on him.
Instead, you forced him to listen as you announced: “I wanted to tell you that I realized that I appreciate you a lot more. I may have been fantasizing about someone for the last twenty-three years that didn’t really deserve that recognition.”
Kris – this just insulted Bruce in multiple ways. You #1) told him that you went behind his back and saw Todd, #2) you basically just told him that you weren’t appreciating him before seeing Todd and #3) you confessed to Bruce that you’ve been fantasizing about Todd for 23 years.

In other words, you just slapped Bruce three times!

No wonder Bruce told you: “I don’t need to hear this bulls**t! He didn’t – he was being honest.

Kris – the bottom line is that Bruce didn’t need to hear your B.S. and neither did Kylie.

You unloaded on him, to ease your own guilt about your treacherous and unloving behavior.

You felt guilty because Bruce was right – Todd was an a**hole, who tried to get you back in bed after 23 years, when you met him for dinner.

You finally realized that he was just a creep and that you almost blew your marriage over a serial cheater.

The thing is – there are some secrets that are best kept secret.

Kris – this is the kind of betrayal that could have led to a divorce.

Kris – you could have kept your illicit dinner to yourself and made everyone else A LOT happier! What do you think Hollywoodlifers?

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