May 18, 2013

Super Junior Kangin Looks Handsome As Ever!

Super Junior Kangin Looks Handsome As Ever! 
Wow, Super Junior Kangin fans eat your heart out! Recently, he tweeted a picture of himself where he looks very manly and smashing. On May 16, Kangin posted on his twitter, “The weather is amazing. I was sitting on the terrace and getting some fresh air. Oh ho, so good, so good.”

In the picture, Kangin is enjoying some fresh night air on a terrace. He is looking into the camera with a fierce gaze that shows off his manliness. He looks very slim and many Netizens took note of how his jaw line looks very defined.

Netizens that have come across picture stated, “Kangin looks very good looking,” “Now that he lost some wait he looks very handsome,” “He is so manly,” “His jaw line is alive,” “he is so macho,” and “He looks at ease.”

Super Junior will be holding “Super Show 5” at Jakarta on June 1 and Hong Kong on June 16. 

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