May 18, 2013

Juniel and Yoo Jae Suk’s Special Encounter 15 Years Ago

Juniel and Yoo Jae Suk’s Special Encounter 15 Years Ago 

Juniel guest starred in the upcoming episode of KBS “Mamma Mia” with her mother and talked about her special encounter with the National MC Yoo Jae Suk. Juniel’s mom revealed a video clip from Juniel’s childhood and explained, “When Juniel was six years old, she was picked as the youngest guest to sing at singer Kim Kyung Ho‘s fan club launching event.” 

The revealed video clip shows little Juniel and the MC talking to each other on the stage. The MC of the event was Yoo Jae Suk. In the video, Yoo Jae Suk is dancing and head-banging to Juniel’s singing and asking little Juniel to give a kiss on Kim Kyung Ho’s cheek, flaunting his smooth hosting skills and the potential to become the “National MC” in the near future. Netizens commented, “Juniel was such a cutie,” “I didn’t realize Yoo Jae Suk had days that like,” and “That really is a special encounter.”

Meanwhile, Juniel also revealed her peculiar eating habits on this episode of “Mamma Mia.” She confessed that she eats all fruits unpeeled. She even demonstrated her eating habits, surprising everyone in the filming studio. This episode of “Mamma Mia” starring Juniel and her mother will be airing on May 19. 

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