Apr 1, 2013

Psy to Release New Song in April

On February 4, Psy arrived at the Incheon International Airport after visiting China. He told the reporters at the airport that he is planning on releasing a new song around April. He said that he is working on the new song and explained, “I’ve got the song. It’s just a complete hell to come up with a music video.” 

Moreover, the reporters asked him how he feels about having his first US TV commercial air during the 47th Super Bowl game. Psy asked, “Did it air today? I feel great and very satisfied.” He also commented that he is very honored to be invited to perform at the presidential inauguration ceremony on February 25. 

Although Psy did not originally plan on making a pitstop in Korea, he ended up spending a day in his home country. YG Entertainment explained, “Psy originally planned on leaving Shanghai and connecting in Inchoen to go to Los Angeles, but his connecting flight has been delayed.” He plans on enjoying his surprise stay at home with family. 

Once he goes back to the United States, Psy will continue his US promotion until February 8, when he is scheduled to perform at the Carnival of Brazil. He will then visit Malaysia on February 11 to perform “Gangnam Style” at a Lunar New Year event. On February 25, he will be back in Korea for the presidential inauguration ceremony.

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